Saturday, June 27, 2009

Another jumping lesson!

I am sort of in cram mode since we have GMHA coming up and the last event didn't go so hot. So today in the heat and sweltering humidity, Shannon and I met up once again with Mere for more torture.

We spent a lot longer on flat work today, and I was glad for it. I would say we spent equal time flat and jumping, and that was good. I didn't ride on Friday and Buck was a little stiff going in. I got on a little early and walked quite a bit. I am finding that I need a little longer at the walk than most "event" riders do...I think it's a throw back to when I was doing straight dressage....I'd spend about 1/2 my ride at the walk in the beginning. I want to make sure that everything feels right before going faster, haha.

So anyways, we worked up to some canter work....and while the right canter depart is still not great, the LEFT canter is becoming AWESOME!!!!! I was cantering around and at one point I had to stop and say, "OMG I ACTUALLY HAVE A DRESSAGE CANTER HERE!!!!!" YAYAY Buck!!!! hehe. It was a VERY long time coming. I had NO IDEA that it would take THIS long to get a decent canter that I felt test worthy.

At this point I start jumping an x-rail to get us thinking "jumping". Finally, we start a gymnastic line consisting first of a 2' vertical, one stride to a ground rail and then 3 strides to an x-rail. Slowly these jumps become all verticals. I learned today that it was VERY important to keep the GAS on while going around the corners! There were more "Oh that was terrible" moments today, and I do believe they had to do more with the lack of gas in the tank! So my major take home today was to keep him coming around the corner and press him forward to the base of the jump.

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